Allocating By-Products of a Job
The Job Card Completion screen provides a further four options for allocating materials that are the by-products of the manufacturing process. You can allocate these materials to:
- Excess - indicates that more was made than was ordered, or adds stock production to an existing order - refer to "Allocating to Seconds"
- Seconds - this is the same as Excess but is recorded differently in the coil history. Seconds can be defined as items produced because of machine/operator error, whereas Excess is produced because it may be beneficial to use the remainder of the coil rather than rolling it up - refer to "Allocating to Seconds"
- Off Cut - indicates that materials can be used again (e.g. flashing offcuts) - refer to "Allocating to Offcuts"
- Waste - this is the same as Offcuts. Waste is not available as a resource but creates stock on hand (SOH) which needs to be cleared out from time to time - refer to "Allocating to Waste".